help me im falling

Where in a naive Scottish boy living in Australia tries to make sense of his own life, and those lives about him.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Do you want it that badly?

Some of you may know me from my hosting commitments at some of Melbourne's better trivia nights. If you don't, then 'where the bloody hell are you' to coin a phrase. At these various nights we award teams with free booze, but it has come to my attention recently that some people refuse to play on a level playing field. To my mind this is just not cricket.

What are you talking about Quizmaster Dave?


The quizzes I run are not 'Who want to be a Millionaire', it is not alright to phone a friend, it is cheating, if you don't know the answer then tough. What next, bringing your wireless laptop and googling the answers? It's not on I tell you and I'm sick of it.

Here endeth the rant.


At Wed June 21, 03:18:00 am GMT-7, Blogger mindlessmunkey said...

QuizMaster Dave!

I was lucky enough to attend one of your Trivia Nights just last night.

And I wholeheartedly share your Zero-Tolerance approach to SMS cheating. Thanks for fighting the good fight, and allowing none of that nonsense at your events.


At Wed June 21, 09:35:00 pm GMT-7, Blogger Ukulele said...

I once had a mate call me from a trivia night in Edinburgh.

He calls: "Oi. Lass. Wake up. I need a hand. Who wrote the fecking Doll House? I've got a pint waiting on the other end of this question if I get it so hurry the feck up."

The cost of a pint in Scotland is around 3 pound?

The price for me to mumble to words "Ibsen" cost him around 12 pound.

Mobiles are for chumps.

P.S. Nice to see you back in play.

At Mon June 26, 05:10:00 am GMT-7, Blogger richardwatts said...

Hear, hear - wnad what about teams with huuuuuuge numbers of people in them?


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